Clothes padding

Padding stories and videos

Anybody know of any good ones? I've seen Nikki19NY and a couple others on YouTube, and they're great. Anybody know of any others?
11 years

Padding stories and videos

I used to be a member of a Yahoo Group called Male Belly Padders or something like that. I posted a series of photos of myself wearing my old Navy whites, progressively padding and captioning "First day at the bakery, two weeks at the bakery" all the was up to one year at the bakery and I padded my belly bulging out of the trousers. I don't know if this group still exists or not.
5 years

Padding stories and videos

I like to pad & rp
5 years

Padding stories and videos

It would be fun to rp with someone who likes to pad

Sign me up
5 years

Padding stories and videos

me too
5 years

Padding stories and videos

I have used a silicone "pregnancy belly" for years as a way to pad in public. The silicone is heavy and jiggly and makes for a very realistic looking huge potbelly.
My favorite thing to do is going out to eat while wearing it. There's a few restaurants and diners that I really like because their booths are fairly small and my belly gets smushed into the edge of the table. It's always fun when the waiter or waitress asks if you'd be more comfortable seated at a table instead. I really love desserts so after my meal I'll get seconds and sometimes a third. There's a denny's I usually go to and the waitresses know me and when I ask for a piece of cheesecake, they usually just bring me a double. I once had a waitress in a busy restaurant practically shout from a few tables away "you did say you wanted another piece of chocolate cake, right?" It was sooo embarrassing but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Eating like that quickly got me a real potbelly of my own but I still use it to add to my fat gut.
Wandering around malls is fun too. I usually grab some cookies from one of those great american cookie places and sit on a bench and people watch (more like get people watched by others lol). The looks I get are great.
4 years

Padding stories and videos

I just found this, a men's body, and it doesn't have a weight listed (that I saw) but it looks like an interesting start...??
4 years

Padding stories and videos

There used to be a story on dimensions mag about a Halloween party where everyone went padded then at midnight the padding because real anyone remember the name?
2 years

Padding stories and videos

There used to be a story on dimensions mag about a Halloween party where everyone went padded then at midnight the padding because real anyone remember the name?

The story is; "The Halloween Party", I wrote nearly twenty years ago. I just checked my thumb drive, I still have it! I'll post it here for you! Same title.
2 years

Padding stories and videos

Wow! Thanks!
2 years
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